this was originally the /bookshelf page but i've repurposed it into more of a landing page for media tracking in general (assuming i can keep up with it). i use anilist, letterboxd, and backloggd to log animanga, movies, and games respectively. i'd like to start logging games and books here since anilist is pretty convenient for logging what chapter/volume of a manga i was on or what episode i last watched of a show, and letterboxd is likely to stick around the longest out of all these sites, but i have less faith in backloggd (site barely loads these days) and i hate goodreads and thestorygraph and their UIs.

most of my reading is done with physical copies, but i also have a kobo clara HD e-reader that i adore, especially in the case of reading huge books. it hooks up to libby with relative ease but as someone who largely prefers reading classics, these works tend to be in the public domain, so downloading them off project gutenberg and sending them to my kobo that way is much simpler. i use calibre for e-book library management. i really recommend getting a kobo if you like to read a lot and aren't married to a paper format.

some favorite books

some favorite manga

some favorite games

booklog.html (my current reads are located here)
