i first discovered lolita in 2012 or so, but only decided to get into wearing it myself in july 2024. my wardrobe is still quite small, and hopefully will remain so as i firmly believe a capsule wardrobe is the best way to go with alternative fashion to ensure you stay within your budgetary needs while forcing yourself to tailor yourself a wardrobe you know you will love. this section is a WIP because i decided cataloguing my wardrobe here is too much of a pain. maybe i will post flatlay coords or coord photos here instead or something? i dunno.

i am a fan of old school lolita. i also like traditional lolita, which imo just means that i like not buying hyper-niche pieces for the sake of completing a coord.

solids (white, black/white, red/white), velveteen, gobelins, square headdresses, mini crowns, peeking bloomers, and cotton lace are things i have a personal preference for.

if you have wanted to get into lolita and don't know how or where or are daunted by the cost of things, as a newbie helping newbies, i've made a "how to lolita" page that i hope will be of some use ^^ (last update 10.1.24).