the idea for the observations page came from vashti, who in turn was inspired by marie howe. updates to this page come sporadically as i add on to them in my code editor and upload whenever i feel like it!

11.4.24: snow!

11.3.24: warmth when i was cold and the sun always bothers my eyes.

10.30.24: the first freeze warning. the first day i can light a candle and really revel in it feeling weather-appropriate.

10.28.24: i need to be better about letting myself use things until (and especially if) they break.

10.25.24: shyness in feeling. i had kimchi delivered today

10.23.24: it's cold today. can't stop thinking about how desensitized i've become to weather since i work from home and how wrong that feels.

10.22.24: new music. not loud enough.

10.16.24: an unspoken prayer of gratitude for sesame oil.

10.15.24: happiness in a jar i don't know how to shake. (note to self: does this count as an observation?)

10.14.24: one lone dandelion on the grass in the corner.

10.13.24: went out of my way to stomp on some especially crunchy leaves. rice with furikake + crunchy jalapeno bits + sesame oil.

10.11.14: dread, for some reason.

10.7.24: went to bad last night feeling wholly hopeless--what a relief to wake up feeling fine.

10.4.24: a tomato carcass in the soup i made for lunch.

10.1.24: too-sweet coffee left over from yesterday first thing in the morning.

9.30.24: i keep waking up in the middle of the night

9.28.24: went to a goth night and heard exactly zero goth tracks.

9.26.24: tired. been in my pjs every day until 4pm or so.

9.25.24: roasted some squash today. put too much cayenne on it.

9.22.24: it was cool enough today to wear my leather trenchcoat. the leaves are starting to change colors too

9.20.24: i haven't been taking pictures lately.

9.13.24: last night my boyfriend and i went to a punk(ish) show. the dive bar it was at had beau travail playing on the screen. we kept asking "is that criterion channel?" until sure enough the criterion logo popped up, confirming that this dive bar had a subscription. the second band that played opened their set with "we're nickelback."

9.7.24: i wore egl outside today for the first time. i felt surprisingly confident about it; a woman even stopped mid-walk to gesture at my outfit and said "yes!". another while walking by said "i love this," to me.

9.6.24: i've been up since 3:45 am today. i stared at my phone clock from 5:30-6:00 until i finally decided to get out of bed.

9.2.24: after being inside for a whole weekend i was shocked by just how hot it was when i stepped outside.

8.12.24: while i was driving home and stuck at a stoplight a guy walked into the middle of the street to gesture to the car next to me trying to get them to turn their headlights on. then he gave a big thumbs up and a grin and ran out of the street when the person realized what he was trying to do.

8.11.24: when i took out the trash this morning i saw a ziploc baggie on the ground next to the dumpster overflowing with mostly-alive roses. when i went back out later there were only 2 of those mostly-alive roses left on the ground.

8.7.24: my main ac unit is always buzzing too loud. i can't seem to drown it out ever.